A downloadable game

The Space Invaders game is a classic arcade-style game implemented in Python using the Pygame library. The player controls a spaceship that can move left or right at the bottom of the screen, shooting bullets upwards to destroy the enemies that move back and forth at the top of the screen. The enemies gradually descend towards the player, and the game ends if an enemy reaches the player or if all enemies are destroyed. The player's score, which increases each time an enemy is destroyed, is displayed at the top of the screen. The game also features sound effects for shooting bullets and destroying enemies.


bullet.mp3 74 kB
invader_dies.mp3 32 kB
music.mp3 9 MB
ship.png 551 kB
space_invaders.py 5 kB
spaceinvaders1.mpeg 2 MB
spacesprite.png 178 kB

Install instructions

1. Download the game files: Click the download link to download the zip file containing the game files. Once downloaded, extract the zip file to a location of your choice.

2. Install Python: If you don't already have Python installed, you'll need to install it. You can download Python from the official website: https://www.python.org/downloads/. Make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH" during the installation process.

3. Install Pygame: This game uses the Pygame library. You can install it by opening a command prompt or terminal window and typing `pip install pygame`. If you're on a Mac, you might need to use `pip3 install pygame` instead.

4. Run the game: Navigate to the directory where you extracted the game files. You should see a file called `space_invaders.py`. You can run the game by typing `python space_invaders.py` in the command prompt or terminal window. If you're on a Mac, you might need to use `python3 space_invaders.py` instead.

5. Enjoy the game: If everything was installed correctly, the game window should pop up and you can start playing!

Please note that this game also uses sound files in mp3 format and image files in png format. Make sure these files are in the same directory as the `space_invaders.py` file.